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Using Google For Affiliate Marketing

Google is the king of the search engines right now, and a good ranking in Google searches can get you a lot of traffic.  If you are just starting out in affiliate marketing, then you need a lot of traffic to build up your initial customer base.  So, how do you leverage the immense reach of Google to help you

Colin Klinkert
Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

If you have the ability to write compelling sales copy, but can’t build a website for the life of you, it’s not really a problem, because a website isn’t required to be a successful affiliate marketer.  This is done by utilizing a variety of Web 2.0 sites,  which allows you to build an online presence using the in-place infrastructure of

Colin Klinkert
Online Marketing Blogs

Blogging has become an incredibly popular way to distribute content in the past few years.  Though subjects may vary, all successful blogs have two certain things in common:  regular content updates and content that is valuable to the reader. While many who are looking to start a career in online marketing may use a blog as an occasional medium for

Colin Klinkert
Web 2.0 Marketing

Who hasn’t heard of MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, eHow, blogs and forums? The power of these social media platforms has been realized by companies, traditional news media, and individual marketers. Internet marketers who don’t want to be left behind should have Web 2.0 strategies as part of their whole marketing push, and understanding how to use this platform properly could influence

Colin Klinkert
Obama Loses by One VOTE!!

Yesterday Arnie brought his muscle out for McCain, so I decided to even the equation and post a video on my blog! Take THAT Mr. Terminator… Who will you be voting for in 4 days? I’m not American and can’t vote, I also don’t see as much as you do, but I know who I would be voting for… This

Colin Klinkert
StumbleUpon Part 2 – Getting Your Blog Stumbled

What Else Can You Do To Become a Pro? In a previous blog post, I spoke of taking advantage of the great resource StumbleUpon and the different types of marketing that some of the most popular Social Media Networks are looking for. We discussed that if you are going to Digg, your posts need to appeal to the general masses,

Colin Klinkert
Becoming a Pro-Blogger Part 1: StumbleUpon

What can you do to become a pro-blogger? Well, you need to get a lot of traffic to your blog. And now you thinking….’I already know that, but HOW am I going to do it? I have some trade secrets to let you in on. By using these trade secrets, you too, can become a pro blogger. Today, you are

Colin Klinkert
Thanks… I am no longer an ‘Internet Marketer’

No I’m not quitting 🙂 Having said that, I am sick of people new to the industry feeling they need to spam their affiliate links all over the web. 99.99% of the time with no result other then to make yourself look like a tosser! Comments are moderated these days so it’s a waste of time making spam posts, they

Colin Klinkert
Myspace Ads – Now Open To The Public

Myspace is the largest social networking site in the USA and along with Facebook, one of the largest in the world. So when they launch a brand new ads module that is now open to the public, it is worth standing up and taking notice. Whilst they have a tonne of traffic and a huge market, they also have the

Colin Klinkert