A crazy German came to visit me in Brisbane / Gold Coast where I am holidaying for Christmas and the New Year before I head back home to Europe.
We are working on a new product together and progress has been good. I can tell you now it will be a high ticket training course that will cover a great deal of information. The Crazy Nutter goes by the name of Frank Bauer and happens to be my business partner in Viralurl.
We went to Wet and Wild today as we are about both work and play… the Interactive Marketers lifestyle! 🙂 Here is a picture of us trying to look tough:
- Colin and Frank
More Info coming soon on the product we are creating… Will be released early in the new year!
Follow Me On Twitter: http://www.TwitterColin.com/
Glad to hear you are still alive and well hehehe – I hadn’t seen a post from you in a while and got worried!! I’m also releasing a new product in the new year, although its a website, but the niche is currently not filled, so I’ll let you know 🙂
Still Alive 🙂 – good luck with your new product, if it fills a need that is not yet met as you say, there is a good chance it will do very well
UPDATE: Frank Says he is a German Aussie, Not a Nutty German… I’ll leave it to you to decide!
Well,so what if he’s a nutty Aussie German…?
Machs gut und veil spats…:)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,,,!
Ed 🙂